[Chilli] Trouble with SSL and Ajax inside the pop-up browsers

Eric Chaves eric at craftti.com.br
Mon Jun 16 16:41:32 UTC 2014

Hi Folks,

I'm working on rich HTML5 application to used in my captive portal but I'm
facing several problems with this app when it is accessed inside the pop-up
browser on MacOS and iOS devices.

In our architecture the controller are hosted on dedicated on-premises
servers while the captive portal is hosted on a website in the cloud.

One of those troubles happens when we start making use of SSL on both ends
(controllers and captive portal). We recently replaced old certificates by
new ones, being the old PositiveSSL certs while the new is regular Comodo

When our portal is accessed inside the pop-up browser on osx or ios
devices, the pop-up shows the old certificates, even thou they were wiped
from the servers. It's like if the pop-up has cached the old certificate
and binded it to the controller no matter what.

Has anyone ever faced similar issue?

Also we have tons of trouble regarding ajax calls, which I assumed should
work fine in the pop-up. Most of them happens only in those pop-up
browsers, which makes it very hard to be investigate since I can't debug
those pop-ups.

I know those pop-up browsers are restricted version of regular browsersm
for example, safari, but I cant find information regarding what kind of
restrictions are in place. Does anyone knows what kind of limitations are

I really appreciate any help on this matter.

Thanks in advance,

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