[Chilli] Can I use nginx to serve web content on coova's tun interface?

Eric Chaves eric at craftti.com.br
Wed Jun 18 21:32:06 UTC 2014

Hi Jed, thanks for your help. I'm myself a programmer too with some
knowledge on linux and networking and it's great to have someone to
exchange ideas and experience. ;)

Do you use nginx as reverse proxy for coova (like you probably do for
example with php-fpm)? My coova config file already has ports 80 and 443
listed in HS_TCP_PORTS, but nginx still not able to forward request to
coova (on "HS_UAMLISTEN" interface).

Your pages looks great, but we have certain requirements which are very
particular, which imposes the need to write our own app. We did it using
AngularJS (HTML5/JS) which talks with our REST API backend. The problem is
that in this setup we are facing several problems when the html5 app is
loaded inside apple's pseudo browser used for them in they're automatic
popup, and since we can't debug this pop-up this has becoming a real
challenge. Worst yet is the fact that in our development environment (which
also has a coova setup) the issues we face in production are not happening.

Any hints or ideas you could share?


Eric Chaves
(11) 98139-9880

2014-06-18 15:40 GMT-03:00 Jed Gainer <jedgainer at gmail.com>:

> If you are looking for a UAM/ACP I have one almost complete.
> http://imgur.com/9g1W0Ph,evu0iX6,tvIgJDD,WTaJvJ6,gR8S80C,2kDMaUm,kP1QrL3,If1vRI6,PwXokjC,LhTqj6k,rY3SPSY,f61yezV,OSTRTqD,I9LnHWf,i3Pduwo,P0PONJj,sPIEZa2,KFvHvri,6v0TEAz
> Some screen shots above... everything in it the images is 100% functional.
> I used pure PHP no frameworks just bootstrap for css as I am a programmer
> not a designer. All HTML is in external template files though and can be
> easily replaced with better design. I'll paste some code below so you can
> see if its clean enough to use.
> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/accadfa85717ef8dcc92
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Jed Gainer <jedgainer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I use Nginx
>> *HS_TCP_PORTS*="80 443"
>> is what you're looking for.
>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Eric Chaves <eric at craftti.com.br>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> I'd like to use nginx as my controllers webserver and have it forward
>>>  requests related to coova as upstream but I can't figure out how to do so.
>>> Nginx is listening on but clients on the hotspot side cannot
>>> access it nor it can forward requests to coova's internal web server
>>> (uam_port).
>>> Can anyone help me out with this?
>>> Regards,
>>> Eric
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