[Chilli] Fwd: landing page redirection query

Russell Mike radius.sir at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 14:00:47 UTC 2014

i do not see the problem, where ever you put files just point *HS_WWWDIR *to
that folder should work. Check your configuration, you have not done
something right. how about permissions on new destination to apache ?


Thanks / Prabhpal Singh

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Giovanni Bezicheri <
giovanni.bezicheri at nethesis.it> wrote:

>  Il 12/11/2014 07:07, Sourav ha scritto:
> Is it possible to allow multiple entries to HS_WWW in the chilli config
> file...like-
> HS_WWWDIR=/etc/chilli/www,/usr/local/etc/chilli/www
> warm Regards,
> Sourav
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: [Chilli] landing page
> redirection query  Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:51:54 +1100  From: Sourav
> <sourav.chakraborty at netcommwireless.com>
> <sourav.chakraborty at netcommwireless.com>  To: chilli at coova.org
> <chilli at coova.org> <chilli at coova.org>
> My landing page is stored in /etc/chilli/www directory.......since / is
> getting full, we have decided to put the landing pages inside
> /usr/local/etc/chilli/www and have a softlink "custom" inside
> /etc/chilli/www directory, pointing to /usr/local/etc/chilli/www. I
> tried that out and coovachilli is not redirecting to the landing page
> anymore. Is there some kind of blocking to softlinks? Please suggest a
> way out.
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Sourav
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> Warm Regards,
> Sourav
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> No, it isn't. HS_WWWDIR must be a single directory.
> --
> Giovanni
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