Thanks a lot !

SR Infosystèmes contact at
Wed Apr 23 14:28:16 UTC 2008

Hi Gunther,

> Did the idle-session timeout not work for you in 1.0.11? That's 
> strange... I guess I haven't tested it explicitly myself and have 
> assumed there were no regressions (it works perfectly in 1.0.6). 
> Do you use the defidletimeout option or does your radius supply this? 

No, as you explain to me the intended purpose (I've not noticed, at 
first glance, the default parameter at 5000 ms, which implies it was for 
another use).

> What exactly wasn't working in which version that you tested?

Iddle-Session : when a user goes inactive (i.e. don't access to new web 
site pages during Radius Iddle-Session value (in sec)), chilli 
disconnect the user.

1.0.7 : work
1.0.11 : don't work
1.0.12-pre (svn) : work

I've notice that using Ajax (*), with a 60 sec refresh status don't 
disturb this (i.e. the inactive user is really disconnect after 600 sec 
idling while there is an Ajax access each 60 seconds...

I wonder why... Could you explain, if aware ?

>> Well... I think giving this svn release a try, with the 1.0.11 bahind 
>> the wall, ready to go... (I like living near the edge :)
> Alright, if it works for you...

No choice, and I trust the work done :)
With, at my side, the 1.0.7 in backup.

(*) Ajax is used for a status window, via a subpart of hotcakes - we 
don't use hotcakes as we have created our own management panel, but my 
Ajax understanding is quite low and I have no time now to make my own 
implementation (but it's planned, in order to wake the whole part 
lighter - and understand Ajax too !).


SR Infosystèmes
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