[chilli] ChilliSpot-Lang back to CoovaChilli (fwd)

Walter Krivanek, VividVisions walter.krivanek at vividvisions.at
Thu Jan 24 09:09:27 UTC 2008


in redir.c in line 1468 "lang" gets converted to "ChilliSpot-Lang" for  
the RADIUS request.
But it never gets converted back if RADIUS sends "ChilliSpot-Lang" back.


Am 24.01.2008 um 01:48 schrieb Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET:

> Hi,
> 	Please excuse my ignorance. I'm looking at the source
> to Chilli and see nothing about lang... Can you expand where/how
> this occurs?
> 		Thanks, Tuc
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if there is a way to add the ChilliSpot-Lang  
>> parameter
>> back to the CoovaChilli URLs (as query parameter "lang") when it's
>> returned in the response of the RADIUS server.
>> My Login pages are multilingual and it would be great if the pages
>> after the login would be shown in the selected language without  
>> having
>> to use cookies or workarounds.
>> Here's the workflow I am talking about.
>> CoovaChilli login page -> Language selection + Login (lang  
>> parameter) -
>>> CoovaChilli (converting parameters) -> RADIUS (ChilliSpot-Lang
>> parameter) -> CoovaChilli (converting parameters) -> CoovaChilli
>> success/failed/... page (lang parameter).
>> Or is there another way to achieve this?
>> Thanks!
>> Walter
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