[chilli] ChilliSpot-Lang back to CoovaChilli (fwd)

JB list.coovachilli at mac.com
Thu Jan 24 10:43:54 UTC 2008

>> I was wondering if there is a way to add the ChilliSpot-Lang  
>> parameter
>> back to the CoovaChilli URLs (as query parameter "lang") when it's
>> returned in the response of the RADIUS server.
> in redir.c in line 1468 "lang" gets converted to "ChilliSpot-Lang"  
> for the RADIUS request.
> But it never gets converted back if RADIUS sends "ChilliSpot-Lang"  
> back.

Yes, I also came across this. I guess there is no way to channel  
custom query parameters through those requests...?


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