How to change map.chi to avoid CSS conflicts?

Jos Vos jos at
Mon Jun 23 12:13:46 UTC 2008


Did someone find out how to change map.chi in such a way, that the
Google map does not interfere with custom CSS settings (like
background color etc.)?

I hope it is be possible to have a correct Google map (equal to
what you get when you don't have custom CSS settings) in an own 
style page, e.g. with an own background color.  If I do that now,
all kinds of items (like the text balloon, +/- sliders, etc.)
look wrong.

Any suggestions?

--    Jos Vos <jos at>
--    X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
--    Amsterdam, The Netherlands        |     Fax: +31 20 6948204

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