coovafx plugin

Oguzhan Kayhan oguzhank at
Wed Jun 25 12:23:18 UTC 2008

as i see there's a new update for coovafx. Previously i was getting a java
error but in this new version it seem fixed.
Ok.. here we go..
I am not sure if it is only working with coovaap or not but,
I am testing it with a coova version running on linux...
i installed the plugin to a client and tried to test it..
Plugin loaded successfully..And my hotstop name seen on the right
bottomside of the firefox as expected..
But.... not logging in...In debug mode i can see the uamlogin information
correctly, i mean the url... but when i clik on auto-login or manual
login.. no error no connection..nothing..
Do i have to make additional configs in coova to accept coovafx plugin?
Or does it suppose to work automatically?

PS: I am not using the default login screen of coova or chilli. We have
our own login screen for that.

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