[Chilli] stresstest coova chilli

Wichert Akkerman wichert at wiggy.net
Fri Jun 3 14:13:49 UTC 2011

On 06/03/2011 03:56 PM, Johan Meiring wrote:
> This is a radius problem and not coova chilli.
> This is quite normal.
> Radius packets are UDP and can easily get lost (especially with lots 
> of clients)

Which is why a NAS such as RADIUS must resend the accounting packets 
unless they get an ack from the radius server. RADIUS is not a lossy 

> Run a cron job every 5 minutes that "closes" sessions (sets accounting 
> stop time to something other than null) where the "last seen" field is 
> older than 15 minutes.

chilli must send an AccountingStop RADIUS packet to the NAS, which it 
must repeat until the NAS confirms receipt of the packet with an 
Accounting-Response reply.


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