[Chilli] stresstest coova chilli

Peter Warasin peter at endian.com
Fri Jun 3 16:21:32 UTC 2011

Hi Wichert

On 03/06/11 16:13, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>> Radius packets are UDP and can easily get lost (especially with lots
>> of clients)
> Which is why a NAS such as RADIUS must resend the accounting packets
> unless they get an ack from the radius server. RADIUS is not a lossy
> protocol.

Well. I would expect that to be honest :) But does it really do it?

> chilli must send an AccountingStop RADIUS packet to the NAS, which it
> must repeat until the NAS confirms receipt of the packet with an
> Accounting-Response reply.

yeah. do you thing this is missing in implementation or is this a
configuration issue?

thank you for your thoughts


:: e n d i a n
:: open source - open minds

:: peter warasin
:: http://www.endian.com   :: peter at endian.com

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