[Chilli] Using CoovaChilli without RADIUS

Xabier Oneca -- xOneca xoneca at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 13:32:29 UTC 2013

I've been crawling throughout the source code and I found out.

Summarizing, this is what I have done:

In the config file add:

    localusers '/usr/local/etc/chilli/local.users'
    # There's no RADIUS in localhost, but must provide one.
    radiusserver1 ''

And create the local.users file with users. In my case only needed one:


I don't know why yesterday didn't work, maybe was browser's cache in

Thanks you David for all responses! You answer very quickly!!

Xabier Oneca_,,_
El 28/02/2013 10:57, "Xabier Oneca -- xOneca" <xoneca at gmail.com> escribió:

> A better question maybe is: how does local authentication work?
> --
> Xabier Oneca_,,_
> El 27/02/2013 18:59, "Xabier Oneca -- xOneca" <xoneca at gmail.com> escribió:
>> Yeah, maybe that works for me. I have found the syntax for the file on
>> Internet. But I add the line to the config file and does not work. Do I
>> have to still have a radius server?
>> With the radiusserver1 properly configured authenticates ok, but does not
>> see at the localusers file. If I remove radiusserver1, then chilli won't
>> start... :S
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Xabier Oneca_,,_
>> El 27/02/2013 18:49, "David Bird" <david at coova.com> escribió:
>>> The users file is simply there for when a couple local credentials are
>>> needed. It is not intended to be a 'database' of users. However, it
>>> might work for your application.
>>> On Wed, 2013-02-27 at 10:00 +0100, Xabier Oneca -- xOneca wrote:
>>> > Sorry, I didn't send to the mailing list... :P
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Xabier Oneca_,,_
>>> >
>>> > El 25/02/2013 20:59, "Xabier Oneca -- xOneca" <xoneca at gmail.com>
>>> > escribió:
>>> >         So, I have to install a RADIUS server with CoovaChilli...
>>> >
>>> >         And what is the local users file for? I haven't found anything
>>> >         in the documentation...
>>> >
>>> >         Xabier Oneca_,,_
>>> >
>>> >         El 25/02/2013 18:40, "David Bird" <david at coova.com> escribió:
>>> >                 CoovaChilli is meant to have a provisioning service
>>> >                 like RADIUS or it
>>> >                 can also use an HTTP/S replacement that basically
>>> >                 translates and proxies
>>> >                 RADIUS to/from a web service. There isn't an option to
>>> >                 NOT use either,
>>> >                 but I know some people do use chilli without doing
>>> >                 much with RADIUS,
>>> >                 except for maybe accounting. You can, for instance,
>>> >                 use chilli_query to
>>> >                 log in/out subscribers from the command line. There is
>>> >                 also a local
>>> >                 users file, but it is not recommended for large
>>> >                 numbers of users.
>>> >
>>> >                 Cheers,
>>> >                 David
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >                 On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 09:21 +0100, Xabier Oneca --
>>> >                 xOneca wrote:
>>> >                 > Hello everybody!
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Is there a way co configure and use CoovaChilli
>>> >                 without a RADIUS
>>> >                 > server?
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > I have seen a 'localusers' option that may help
>>> >                 achieving that, but I
>>> >                 > have not found any information about that...
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Someone has any clue? Thanks!
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > --
>>> >                 > Xabier Oneca_,,_
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > _______________________________________________
>>> >                 > Chilli mailing list
>>> >                 > Chilli at coova.org
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 http://lists.coova.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/chilli
>>> >
>>> >                 --
>>> >                 --
>>> >                 David Bird
>>> >                 http://www.linkedin.com/in/dwbird
>>> >                 https://twitter.com/wlanmac
>>> >
>>> >                 _______________________________________________
>>> >                 Chilli mailing list
>>> >                 Chilli at coova.org
>>> >                 http://lists.coova.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/chilli
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > Chilli mailing list
>>> > Chilli at coova.org
>>> > http://lists.coova.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/chilli
>>> --
>>> --
>>> David Bird
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dwbird
>>> https://twitter.com/wlanmac
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Chilli mailing list
>>> Chilli at coova.org
>>> http://lists.coova.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/chilli
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