[Chilli] Disconnect on ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets

Lorenzo Milesi maxxer at ufficyo.com
Thu Feb 13 08:40:37 UTC 2014

I've configured my FreeRadius server to have Octet counters. In my sql/mysql/counters.conf I added:
+sqlcounter counterChilliSpotMaxTotalOctets {
+            counter-name = ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets
+            check-name = ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets
+            reply-name = ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets
+            sqlmod-inst = sql
+            key = User-Name
+            reset = never
+            query = "SELECT SUM(acctinputoctets) + SUM(acctoutputoctets) FROM radacct WHERE username='%{%k}'"

and in radiusd.conf counters stanza: 

Added in dictionary:
ATTRIBUTE       ChilliSpot-Max-Daily-Octets               103      integer
ATTRIBUTE       ChilliSpot-Max-Monthly-Octets             104      integer
ATTRIBUTE       ChilliSpot-Max-Weekly-Octets              105      integer
ATTRIBUTE       ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets                 106      integer

The counter is calculated correctly, but the user doesn't get disconnected if he reaches his limit. I.e. if the user has 10 octets left and starts a 4G file download it never gets interrupted.

The radius reply looks like this:
Sending Access-Accept of id 95 to port 47286
        Idle-Timeout := 30
        Acct-Interim-Interval := 30
        ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets = 10

Does Coova support those properties? Is this expected or should it disconnect? I'm using 1.3.0.

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.milesi at yetopen.it

YetOpen S.r.l. - http://www.yetopen.it/

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