[Chilli] Roaming between different openwrt routers with common radius server

Ravikant Patil ravikant.4784 at gmail.com
Thu May 15 04:26:17 UTC 2014


Is there a pure Layer-2 alternative for coova-chilli?

In my understanding, Coova Chilli on Opewnrt (or coovaAP) creates following

   - DHCP server on each AP, creating bubbles/subnetworks within intra-net
   - Roaming is not transparent
      - Client IP address changes after roaming to different AP (Intranet,
      Internet connections are broken)
      - User needs to re-login using portal.
   - Clients can not directly communicate with each other across APs unless
   NAT rules are established in APs

Is it possible to shift 'user traffic control' functionality to APs without
disturbing architecture of conventional AP based systems (APs + L-2 Switch
+ Gateway Router) ?

Please correct me if I am wrong. I have a beginner level understanding of
Coova Chilli and Openwrt.

Thanks and Regards,

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 6:01 AM, David Bird <dbird at google.com> wrote:

> Another option is to use MAC-Authentication coordinated by your RADIUS
> server.
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Szlezak, Alexander <
> alexander.szlezak at unwired.at> wrote:
>> Hi Bojan,
>> Yes, use a central chilli and not chilli on each access point. Works
>> fine.
>> best,
>> Alex
>> 2014-05-14 21:59 GMT+02:00 Bojan Pogacar <bojan at gajba.net>:
>> Hi everyone!
>>> Is it possible to roam between different openwrt router with coova
>>> chilli instances  with common radius server. Is it possible that user
>>> connects on one side of a building and then walks through a building and
>>> stays connected on the other side on different openwrt router. Means that
>>> he doesn't have to relogin through captive portal.
>>> All SSISs are the same and also IP pools.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Bojan
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